The Bulb Heads
Roving performance full of light.
photos : 1-2-3 Chalon dans la rue / Vincent Vanhecke, 4-5 Pornichet / Nathalie Gazeau-Tardif, 6 Singapore / Mervyn Long
Last representatives of the lineage facing extinction of filament bulbs, The Bulb Heads go out from the shade and invade public spaces not to fade out into oblivion.
These two Bulb Heads, are improbable characters, harmless silhouettes topped with a huge "vintage style" bulb instead of their heads.
Always ready to serve, they shine brightly and light on as encounters... they still struggle valiantly against planned obsolescence... and their imminent end.
Gently , they will lead you to their absurd wandering.
It's always reassuring to follow a light in the darkness.
Duration: about 60 minutes (or 2x30 m.)
Location: off-road action (outside and inside), but watch out for obstacles, stairs, narrow passages and heights (minimum 2.50 m).
Some highlights since 2014 :
FRANCE Mirepoix - Festival MIMA, Pornichet - Nocturnes au port, Carpentras - Noëls Insolites, Albi - Nuit pastel, Chalon s/ Saône - Chalon dans la rue et Illuminations, Chartres - La fête des lumières, Vieux-Condé - Les Turbulentes, Les Jeudis de Perpignan, Thônon-les-bains - Nocturnes, Nancy - Saint Nicolas, Charleville-Mézières - Festival Mondial de Marionnettes, Saint Astier - Fête des Lumières, Sedan - marché de Noël... ALLEMAGNE Freiburg - Kulturbörse, Cologne - Zoo night... CANADA Québec - Festival International d'Eté, Montréal - Juste pou Rire... AUSTRALIE Adélaïde WOMADelaide... SINGAPOUR Singapore Night Festival... BELGIQUE Bruxelles - Plaisirs d'hiver... SUISSE Neuchâtel - Festi'Neuch...
Production/diffusion : Fastoche Productions
With the support of MJC de Tain l'Hermitage (26) and Office de tourisme de Pornichet (44)
Contacts/International booking
Christophe CHARLES / Tél : +33 (0)6 14 12 57 14 /